Movember: Supporting Men’s Health

Sawubona, Happy Minds. It’s that special time of year again. The leaves are turning golden brown, the evenings are drawing in, the air is that little bit crisper and there’s a definite bite to the wind – or at the very least a playful nibble. And Derek from IT is already sporting a ‘tache that looks like he swiped it out of a Temu ‘70’s Pornstar’ halloween costume. It can only mean one thing. That’s right, Movember is here.  

Paper moustache on a sick and a blue ribbon - HappyMind Training Blog | Movember

Born of humble origins in Melbourne, Australia in 2003, two good mates met for a quiet beer and asked themselves why they never saw anyone sporting a moustache anymore and if they could do anything to bring it back. They quickly realised that there was an opportunity to turn the ‘tache into a symbol of awareness and a vehicle for fundraising towards prostate cancer and men’s health. That first Movember attracted just 30 Mo’s who paid ten Australian bucks, but to date that’s now grown to 5 million contributors in more than 20 countries, helping to fund more than 1200 men’s health causes and projects. Today, Movember focuses on three key elements in the larger campaign for men’s health. Suicide prevention and awareness, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. 

Two men hugging - HappyMind Training Blog | Movember

Boy, Talk

A key message in the movember campaign is encouraging men to open up about their feelings and talk to someone if they are struggling with their mental health. There are sobering statistics to underline the importance of this messaging. Globally, a man takes his life roughly every 60 seconds on average. 75% of suicides in the UK are men. Studies also demonstrate that men are significantly less likely to seek help for mental health challenges, irrespective of nationality, age or ethnicity. Clearly, these statistics are linked. 

The Movember campaign takes a two-pronged approach to male suicide prevention, raising funds to ensure there are more resources and facilities available to support those men who need it most, and raising awareness of the need for men to let each other know that its ok to talk about feelings, that outdated masculine cliches of ‘strong, silent types’ and ‘boys dont cry’ aren’t serving anyone, least of all the men who feel the pressure to live up to them. By growing a moustache to raise funds during November, not only are you driving funds towards a good cause, you are also flying a flag that you support more open and honest conversations within male social groups, because the evidence shows that they save lives.

Two older men having a chat over a cup of coffee - HappyMind Training Blog | Movember

The Power of Prevention

Movember campaigns also raise funds and awareness to battle Prostate and Testicular cancers. More than 1.4 million men are diagnosed each year with prostate cancer, and for reasons that are not yet fully understood, Black men and men with African ancestry are at higher risk. This means that while most men need to think about a prostate exam as they approach 50 years of age, for Black/African men, the recommendation is 40. Because prostate cancer often develops with little to no symptoms, and requires a notoriously intimate examination, the danger is that many men will avoid screening through sheer embarrassment. Movember aims to change this through normalising the conversation around prostate cancer, while raising funds for further research and treatment. 

Hand holding a blue ribbon - HappyMind Training Blog | Movember

While the risk of prostate cancer increases with age, Testicular cancer is the most common cancer found amongst young males aged between 15-39. But the odds of surviving Testicular cancer are greater than 95%, so early identification and treatment is crucial to getting the drop on it. Once again, a certain amount of embarrassment risks preventing young men from identifying the warning signs and seeking help.

Mo’ Your Own Way

If you would like to get involved with a Movember campaign, remember that there’s no limit to how you can help out, raise funds or generate awareness. Of course you can grow yourself a spiffy lip-tickler for the month while shaking the donation box at coffee break. If you’re more into fitness than fashion, the Movember ‘Move For Mental Health’ encourages you to run (or walk) 60 kilometres in November in honour of the 60 men lost to suicide every hour globally. If neither of those appeal, feel free to mo’ your own way by signing up to the Movember app and creating any kind of event you can think of. Charity fundraisers, raffles, competitions, all are welcome additions to this annual campaign.

Sikh man with a fashionable moustache - HappyMind Training Blog | Movember

For more on Movember and ways to get involved, visit their website. Looking to support you and your team’s wellbeing? Why not explore our Managing Stress and Boosting Resilience training courses! Our courses are designed to equip you with practical skills to navigate challenges, manage stress, and build resilience in everyday situations

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