

Shavuot, a Jewish festival which lands on June 11th and 12th 2024, commemorates the momentous giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai over 3,000 years ago. It falls on different Gregorian dates, but typically happens in late spring or early summer, following the 49-day countdown from Passover. This is a time for anticipation and introspection, wtith customs like abstaining from work and throwing all-night Torah study sessions, known as Tikkun Leil Shavuot.

Beyond historical remembrance, Shavuot carries deep spiritual and communal significance. Synagogues come alive with the reading of the Ten Commandments, echoing the Sinai covenant. People eat dairy foods which symbolises purity – a tradition linked to the land of Israel being described as “flowing with milk and honey.” This celebration blends solemnity and joy, reinforcing the connection between the past and present in Jewish life.Chag Sameach! (‘happy holiday’ in Hebrew).

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