HappyMind Blog

Our wonderful group of diverse writers sharing their experiences, insights and unique stories. We explore hot topics, books, thought-provoking reflections and practical tips. Our aim is to inspire you whilst bringing fresh and inclusive voices to a wide variety of subjects.

ADHD Top Tips

This blog post is about sure-fire concentration hacks for people with ADHD. For those of you who just can’t face a big β€˜ole block of text, I’ve summarised each hack under the subheading β€˜skip to the tip’.


Instead of trying to guilt or scare people into change, what if I just shared my story? The why, how, and what of my journey from meat enthusiast to full-blown vegan. Maybe, just maybe, it will inspire you to give Veganuary a go.

Centring you

What strikes me is how impersonal our New Year’s resolutions are. If almost half of us have the same resolutions, then they say little about us as individuals. No wonder I have failed to stick to many resolutions, they are not mine, I haven’t thought of them myself, they lack any true Scarlett flair.Β 

HappyMind Blog

Our wonderful group of diverse writers sharing their experiences, insights and unique stories. We explore hot topics, books, thought-provoking reflections and practical tips. Our aim is to inspire you whilst bringing fresh and inclusive voices to a wide variety of subjects.

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