National Sorry Day (AU)
National Sorry Day (AU)
On May 26th 1997, the Australian parliament was presented with the, now infamous, ‘Bringing Them Home’ report. The report was the result of an inquiry into the enforced separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, in an effort to assimilate them into white Australian society. The report revealed that between 1910 and 1970, up to one in three Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were forcibly and tragically removed from their families.
‘National Sorry Day’ annually commemorates the date that this report was first tabled and encourages Australians to consider how they contribute to the healing journey for both the individuals affected and the nation. In 2008, the Government issued a National Apology to the Stolen Generations and Indigenous communities – a gesture led by then-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. The anniversary of that day (13th February) is marked separately every year as ‘National Apology Anniversary Day.’
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