Religious Inclusion Days
Education around religious events is essential for fostering cultural understanding. It encourages respect for diverse beliefs, promotes tolerance, and builds bridges between communities. Let’s embrace learning about each other’s traditions to create a more harmonious world.
Important Christian Dates
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
You might’ve heard of Ash Wednesday, but what’s it all about? Falling right after Pancake Day, this Christian occasion is marked on the calendar based on th...
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is a heartfelt tradition for Christians worldwide, observed on the Sunday before Easter. It's a day filled with memories of Jesus’s arrival into J...
Holy Thursday
Holy Thursday
Holy Thursday, AKA Maundy Thursday, which lands on the Thursday before Easter each year, commemorates the last supper, as immortalised in the painting by Leonar...
Good Friday
Good Friday
Good Friday is celebrated on the Friday before Easter Sunday in the Christian calendar. It’s a big day for Christians across the world who unite in remembranc...