Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Eating Disorders Awareness Week takes place each year during a week in late February or early March, and in 2025, it focuses on ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder). This week is all about raising awareness and showing support for the 1.25 million people in the UK who live with eating disorders. There’s still a lot of stigma and silence surrounding the topic, and so this week serves as a chance to shatter myths, share stories, and inspire empathy for those facing these challenges.
Remember, eating disorders aren’t limited to stereotypes; anyone can suffer from them at any time in life. And that’s why spreading awareness is the name of the game. It’s like a ripple effect of understanding. Through learning more, you can nudge others to create more supportive and inclusive environments, where people are seen for who they really are, and not their condition.
Relevant Hashtags: #EDAW2025 #ARFID #EatingDisordersAwarenessWeek
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