Self Injury Awareness Day

Self Injury Awareness Day

Self Injury Awareness Day is a globally recognised event dedicated to raising awareness about self-harm and self-injury, occurring annually on March 1st. It’s not just about highlighting the prevalence of self-harm but also about educating people on why people may harm themselves, and how to offer support. The main aim is to break down the stigma and misconceptions surrounding self-harm, which is often misunderstood and misrepresented. Activities include seminars, workshops and giving out orange ribbons as symbols of hope and solidarity for those affected by self-injury.

Tragically, self harm is extremely common, and it’s often symptomatic of deeper mental health conditions. Many of these conditions thrive in silence and are exacerbated when onlookers just don’t know how to offer support. By recognising this day, we demonstrate non-judgmental commitment to supporting victims of self-injury and pave the way for them to seek professional help.

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