International Transgender Day of Visibility

International Transgender Day of Visibility

More than ten years back, transgender activist, Rachel Crandall-Crocker saw the need for a celebration and unity among trans people, so she went ahead and made it happen. Cue, International Transgender Day of Visibility! Celebrated annually on March 31st, It’s dedicated to honouring and empowering transgender people, focusing on their achievements and ongoing contributions – as opposed to Transgender Day of Remembrance, which memorialises victims of transphobic violence.

Transgender folks often face inequality due to widespread harassment and a general lack of public understanding. Today is a chance for trans and non-binary people to be positively and realistically represented and seen. It’s also a time for allies to learn how to show their support. Visibility matters a lot. Seeing others who think, feel, and live like us can be so affirming. It stops us from feeling isolated, and helps people feel safe and more connected.

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